Evolution and BCLC, also known as British Columbia Lottery Corporation, announced that they had teamed up to launch Mega Ball in Canada, marking the game’s first-ever release in North America. The online game with a live stream from the studio incorporates elements of both bingo-style games and lottery bouncing balls. The objective for players is to collect the maximum number of cards for each line. The game has gained popularity outside of North America, and Evolution hopes to replicate this success in a new market by bringing Mega Ball to Canada, where it will be available from a studio location in Vancouver.
Jeff Millar, the COO of North America at Evolution, stated that their partnership with BCLC had continued to grow successfully and that the addition of Mega Ball to its vast portfolio was another milestone in their road of cooperation. He further added that Mega Ball was uniquely suited for North American lotteries, and they were delighted to be providing it to British Columbia Lottery Corporation and looking forward to future developments.
Under the terms of the agreement, a Canadian Crown corporation that offers a range of gambling products including lottery tickets, casinos and legal online gambling becomes the first Evolution customer in North America to launch Mega Ball from a North America-based studio. Mega Ball is an addition to BCLC’s vast online game collection, which is accessible throughout Canada and includes numerous live table games and Evolution’s Dream Wheeler at Canada’s largest regulated online gambling site operated by British Columbia Lottery Corporation.
Dan Beebe, COO at a Crown corporation that conducts and manages gambling in a responsible manner while focusing on innovation, strategic partnerships and community outreach, stated that they believed the interactive features and exciting mechanics of Mega Ball would be an instant hit among players. He further added that it was another layer of excitement they got to add Mega Ball to their portfolio as they continued their strategic focus to provide players with truly authentic and entertaining online gambling experiences.